Minecraft Stories #41: Clash Of The Titans, Part 3


My shout broke the silence that had started when Zarkrendos, Xazkrono, and Komenderes appeared. Suddenly, the sun started rising, making my blaster gleam.

I launched a volley of missiles. They ignited and fired TNT. Fire spouted from them.

And when they struck home, Zarkrendos, Xazkrono, and Komenderes... screamed. My iron bullets fell to the ground.

Mark shot out a jet of fire as he approached them. When they grunted in pain, he smiled.

"Take that ya buttfaces," he said.

It was Fred's turn. He launched his torpedoes. There was a giant boom and Zarkrendos was knocked back by the shockwaves.

Then I guess Nick thought it was time for a game-winning touchdown. He fired his footballs at Komenderes and Xazkrono and they fell to the ground. Jake's cages quickly entrapped and subdued all three of them. Then C4 appeared in the sky and gave Zarkrendos, Xazkrono, and Komenderes great pain.

Then the unexpected happened. They smashed the cages to dust and stood straight. With a mighty roar, they destroyed four mechs. The guys in them were A-okay, got it? NO serious damage. Me, Mark, Fred, Jake, Nick, and Tim were still standing. Zarkrendos flew at us and seriously wrecked all of the remaining mechs except mine. Then Zarkrendos aimed a sharp claw at me and my mech went down. Maybe it was still usable. Maybe not.

Okay, so maybe you can't imagine what it looked like. So here's a hint: Scene from Pacific Rim 1 where a giant mech crashes onto a beach. Sort of like that, except I fell onto grass.

And as Zarkrendos stared down on me, I knew we couldn't win this one.

                                         The End???
