These are extra rules for Munchkin Pathfinder I invented.

MONSTA CRUSH: If a player successfully Runs Away, another player may roll two dice. If the numbers add to 6, the player performs a Monsta Crush and collects the treasure for the monsters. (Note: NO levels are gained from this.) If the numbers don't add to 6, the monster(s) Bad Stuff is inflicted on the player who rolled the dice.

TREASURE HOARD: At any point in the game (even if it's not your turn or you're in combat) you may discard the item giving you the highest bonus and collect five treasures. (You're not allowed to sell for levels unless it's your turn.)

CHEATER'S GRAB: When a player draws a card he cannot equip because of his Faction or Class, he may draw three Door cards. If none of them are Curses, the player keeps the Door cards and is allowed to equip the card. If any of the Door cards are Curses, they affect the player and he must discard the card he cannot equip and the Door cards.

TIDE OF WAR: A player may discard all of his one-shot treasures to add a monster to a fight. (He doesn't have to play a Wandering Monster.)
