Minecraft Stories #10: Giant Wither Boss Brawl Battle, Part 9

The group of boss mobs flew toward us. We scattered. A hole appeared in the ground.

The Ender Dragon crushed it's face into the back of the Wither in front of it. About five of them detached from the main fighting force and KILLED the ENDER DRAGON IN FIVE SECONDS. I AM NOT JOKING. OH... POOP. THE ENDER DRAGON DIDN'T DROP THAT FAMED 12,000 XP.

"We're so dead," I said, face-palming.

Fred raised both of his eyebrows. "What did you say?"

"Uh... We're so dead?"

"Well, stinka, the Band of Bombers are never dead."

"Well, what I have to say is that the Band of Bombers -- whatever that is -- looked like they got pounded by 1000, 000 Wither skulls."

"Yeah right--"

The fleet of Withers turned into SR-71 Blackbirds.

Just kidding. They just shot Wither skulls at us about as fast as a belly gunner would shoot a NAZI in World War II.

We ducked. Dodged. Leapt. Anything that would save our lives...


     To Be Continued In Giant Wither Boss Brawl Battle, Part 10...
