Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Controls & How To Do Co-op

How to do co-op:

1. Get somebody to play with you.

2. Hand them a controller.

3. Press the START button on that controller. VOILÀ!!!


X opens the crafting menu in Survival (and shows you an inventory of everything in Creative).

B throws one of the item you're holding at the white cross in the center of your screen.

A makes you jump (and if you press it twice in quick succession, you'll fly in Creative).

Y let's you see your inventory.

Left Trigger: place/use item.

Right Trigger: destroy/mine item.

Left Analog Stick: move

Left Analog Stick(moved forward twice in quick succession): run

Left Analog Stick (pressed down): hold down to fly lower in Creative and click once to change camera angle.

Right Analog Stick: look

Right Analog Stick (pressed down): click to switch between ordinary walking and sneaking.

Left Bumper/Right Bumper: change selected item

If these controls don't work, please leave a comment and I'll update this post.

Thanks for reading!!!
December 19, 2017.
