Minecraft Stories #6: Giant Wither Boss Brawl Battle, Part 5

I was running through the woods as fast as my legs could carry me, the 9 Deadly Dudes following close behind. The giant Wither was a more then a little close to be uncomfortable. Possibly because it was ripping up blocks with it's purple eyebeams. I could hear two Deadly Dudes talking as they ran for their lives.

"Fred, this is your fault. You didn't get in front of me. If it wasn't for you, we'd be eating popcorn while watching the Wither destroy the world we were just on."

"My fault? I'll never understand you, Mark. If you had gotten in front of me, I could have found the server we're currently on and kill the Wither. My life got ruined because of you."

"There was two purple skulls heading for us," said Mark. "You wouldn't have had a chance of dodging the second one."

"Yeah, right."

I spun around. "Could you guys keep quiet for a second? I've been playing on this world for almost two months now. And-" I gulped. The sky was growing darker. "We need to find shelter. Or-" I was cut off again as one of the 9 Deadly Dudes let escape a cry of pain. Seconds later, we were surrounded by skeletons. One jabbed me in the back with his bow. I was surprised to hear it speak.

"Get moving, stinker. You and your friends have an appointment with a lava pool."


                 To Be Continued In Giant Wither Boss Brawl Battle, Part 6...
