Minecraft Stories #44: Commands And Battles, Part 2

I hit hard rock.

I turned around and stared at the worm. Mark was shivering. He didn't look too good. I flipped around and started a staircase.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to finish it.

A block of TNT appeared from nowhere and exploded. My health dropped.

Fortunately, the explosion blasted us out of the hole. Me and Mark sprinted like Jesse Owens. A Husk spawned behind us. I whipped around and crushed it. Mark flipped around and we pulled out our diamond bows. The orange vermiform creature writhed in pain as our shots struck home. A creeper's hissing came from behind us. Mark whacked it with his sword and it crumpled into a pile of gunpowder.

Note: we were running backwards. (Also a note: We were not moonwalking. No one has time for dancing like Michael Jackson in a Minecraft fight.)

Which meant that we didn't see the purple orb that was hurtling towards us.

Suddenly, we were teleported to the block limit. The only problem was that there wasn't anything under us except a gray shape that was way below us. Mark looked down.

"Let's hope that's something soft," he said.

From the tone of his voice, he probably didn't have cobwebs or slime blocks.

                                                                The End???


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