Minecraft Stories #16: The Man With Glowing White Eyes, Part 4

OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Ow. Diamond swords manage to get you in the sensitive spots. I checked my inventory. Hey, free stack of obsidian! I call dibs. Oh. I'm really hungry.

I surrounded myself with it. And then... MY AWESOME STRATEGY TO WIN THIS FIGHT! Mmmm. Cooked porkchops. Suddenly, I choked. Yuck. Mutton? Okay, I just ruined my appetite. Diamond pickaxe + about 4 hours of hard work = goodbye obsidian. Um... I'm standing on a platform of obsidian. And I can't see the ground. Maybe because of creepers. But I think I hear fighting. I jumped.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed.




And I'm surrounded by slimes. You know, the guys that jump and then make a loud splat sound?

Uh oh. The 9 Deadly Dudes were surrounded too. It's also completely dark in here except for a tiny half-purple, half-orange glow -- perfect for spawning hostile mobs.

Too bad I didn't get to die on Earth.

    To Be Continued In The Man With Glowing White Eyes, Part 5...


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