Minecraft Stories #25: If This World Ends, Part 2

...And my diamond armor had changed. Twisting my head back as far as possible, I could see Elytra wings on my back.

I glanced down. Somehow, I was wearing a chest plate too. Made out of BEDROCK. My arms and legs were black and purple. The armor protecting them was obsidian. All of it was enchanted. The 9 Deadly Dudes had similar armor. The only thing we didn't have were helmets.

I pulled out my bow. The string was the same... But the wood had been replaced with diamond. The blade of my diamond sword was now shimmering enchanted magma. I notched an arrow to my bow and fired. A loud twang and the arrow shot of with impossible speed. In a millisecond, in struck the ground with an audible thunk.

"OMG," I said. "My new bow is radically sick."

The giant enderman teleported directly in front of me and the 9 Deadly Dudes.

"Oh, hey, ya fat numpty," I said. I aimed my bow at him.

"Looking for one of these?"

The enderman screeched as my flaming arrow tore into his black flesh.

Wow. Just wow. He didn't have time to teleport before I hit him.

I fired off nine more and killed him, turning him into a pile of about 541 ender pearls. Me and the 9 Deadly Dudes rushed forward and hungrily scooped up the spoils of victory. Actually, me and 8 of the 9 Deadly Dudes rushed forward to collect the ender pearls. Mark had stayed behind.

"Uh... Guys? We might have a bit of a problem," he said.

I turned around and saw a blinding light that was the giant creepers getting ready to explode.

              To Be Continued In If This World Ends, Part 3...


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