Minecraft Stories #29: The Return, Part 2

So yeah. That was how I started running like a maniac. Crazy, right? This second adventure isn't getting off to a good start.

"Guys, I need backup," I spoke into the mic of my headphones. (The 9 Deadly Dudes aren't griefers anymore. We're pretty much the ultimate PvP team.) "I just found a crazy boss mob." "Hang on, man," Fred said. "We got other problems right now. Such as, uh, this Wither me and Mark just spawned." I grew deathly silent. "You remember what happened last time, right?" "Uh... yes. I placed the final wither skull and spawned the giant Wither which sent us into the game and we ultimately destroyed it in the End along with the other ones it had summoned and then we fought Herobrine and escaped Minecraft. Now it's sending out a few blue skulls, so, uh... See ya." A BOOM hit my eardrums.

By this time I could see my house. (After we became friends, the 9 Deadly Dudes rebuilt my house with me.) The giant mob shot something onto my back that made my health bar go down. I still can't figure out how that penetrated my bedrock chestplate. I chugged my last Potion of Swiftness II and raced toward my house. I slammed the door behind me and ran up to the second floor. I ran to the window and looked out at the thing. I heard it screech "Zarkrendos!!!" I have no idea why it keeps on yelling that. Maybe that's it's name?

I leapt back as it's claw swiped through my window, scattering shards of glass everywhere. I walked over to a ladder and climbed up to the loft. I placed a minecart on the tracks and shot off. I watched as it demolished my house block by block. Then it jumped up and landed on my house and creating a large crater. By this time it's caused more damage then the 9 Deadly Dudes when they blew up my house. Then I coasted by my unfinished floating island. Then something totally crazy happened. Zarkrendos roared and my roller coaster disappeared. I took damage and then fell toward the ground some fifty blocks away.

                                        To Be Continued In The Return, Part 3...


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