Minecraft Stories #19: The Man With Glowing White Eyes, Part 7

As the Overworld started disappearing, I saw the 9 Deadly Dudes fall back into the portal too.

This was not good.

Then my legs hit warm netherrack. Really hot netherrack. I could feel the heat of the lava deep underneath it in my diamond boots. The 9 Deadly Dudes tumbled through the portal.

"Tim, I have to say that you need to work on much you use TNT," one of them said.

"What are you saying? You're the guy who wasted all that gunpowder that we collected. We had like fourteen stacks of the stuff, and you used it all up on the guy's house! Used every block in your inventory and knocked unlit blocks in every direction." 

"Fine, fine -- GHAST FIREBALL!!!"

We all dodged. The fireball hit the portal. And then we couldn't get back into the Overworld.

Then everybody started rummaging in their inventories. The look on their faces told me that they didn't have any flint & steel. I didn't, either.

Suddenly, Herobrine spoke.

"And so the war of lava begins. The battle where users will be removed -- FOREVER!!!"

                                   The End???


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