Minecraft Stories #30: The Return, Part 3

I hit the ground. My Feather Falling enchantment reduced the damage a bit, but now I had half a heart left.

A Wither flew into my screen. Then a giant flaming arrow streaked into it. It dropped to the ground and died. I looked around, but didn't see Fred or Mark. Then Zarkrendos spoke. "Hurrr hurrr," it said. "Zarkrendos one-shot boss mob. Now have fun easy-killing annoying users."

"Not so fast there, buttface!" Fred appeared and peppered Zarkrendo's face with arrows.

The flaming arrows made Zarkrendo's Ender Dragon head look like it was made out of fire. Then it ripped them off, threw them to the ground, and stepped forward, crushing the arrows. It reminded me of the Juggernaut boss moving forward in Kingdom Rush. The rest of the 9 Deadly Dudes appeared and fired again and again.

Zarkrendos just pulled them out over and over. Then it roared again.

We flew back and hit the ground.

Which wasn't really ground.

It was more like the portal that appeared when we killed Herobrine.

                                                              The End???


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