How To Use COMMAND BLOCKS In Minecraft Pocket Edition, Part 3

Today, you'll modify the machine from yesterday and increase the power of the Sharpness enchantment from my last post.

Yes, we're gonna use two command blocks, a redstone wire and lever to make a diamond sword enchanted with Sharpness V that deals an amazing 13.25 damage. This baby can kill a zombie in two hits, or in one if you get a critical. The Big Book Of Hacks For Minecrafters (really good book) states that it takes 3 hits to kill one. That means that if you're trapped in a three block tall corridor with five zombies, you just jump and swing several times and kill them all. You will also be given a list at the end of this post of a few sword enchantment commands you can test out.

Anyway, let's do this:

1: Build the machine from Folds, Legos, And Life posts How To Use Command Blocks In Minecraft Pocket Edition Parts 1 and 2.
2: When you're done, access the second command block.
3: Add a 5 to the command. It should now say /enchant @p sharpness 5.
4: Select an empty slot in your hotbar.
5: Flip the lever.
6: A diamond sword enchanted with Sharpness V will appear in that slot!

And now, the list of commands, with highest level (things with no listed level have one level):

Remember, don't use type a power level in if the enchantment only has one level!
(Just type /enchant @p >listed thing here< >power level here< into the command block to use.)

1: looting 3
2: mending
3: unbreaking 3
4: fire_aspect 2
5: knockback 2


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