How To Use COMMAND BLOCKS In Minecraft Pocket Edition, Part 1

Command blocks. Yes. Command blocks. Uncharted territory. And not that complicated as it seems. Now, here we here we go into the unexplored, with some basic stuff:

1: Open the chat window. Type in /give @s command _block.
2: A command block should appear in an empty slot in your hotbar or inventory. Type /clear into the chat in case your inventory is full.
3: Place the command block on the ground. (Note: you may not be able to use it if you're in Survival mode.)
4: Tap on it to check if you can access it.
5: You should see the command block display.
6: Exit it by pressing the X in the top right hand corner.
7: Place redstone beside the command block and then attach a lever to the wire.
8: Access the command block again.
9: The Previous Output box will show you what the command block executed when you flipped the lever. Since you haven't entered anything into the text box near the exit button, there should be nothing in it yet.
10: Tap on the text box. (Not the Previous Output one.) We'll start out simple with a command that should give you a diamond sword. Type in /give @p diamond_sword.
11: Exit and select an empty slot in your hotbar. Flip the lever.

We will continue soon, in another blog post of Folds, Legos, And Life.

(Note: This is my 40TH POST!!!)


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