Minecraft Stories #32: Inside Minecraft, Part 2

I stared out the window at Zarkrendos.

"Yeah, that counts as a problem in my book," I said.

The 9 Deadly Dudes were more than worried. Fred, usually the guy who would charge into enemy zones without a thought in PvP mode was shaking in his obsidian boots.

"LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!!!" His voice echoed off the walls of my fort.

Me and the rest of the 9 Deadly Dudes stared at Fred with our mouths open.
Then Zarkrendos smashed it's claw through the wall.

"Zemendo krazis odregon!"

My eardrums took a hit from the yell of Zarkrendos.
Shapes appeared in the sky behind it.

"Ahh, Komenderes! I see you've brought Xazkrono."

Creatures that looked exactly like Zarkrendos floated into view.

"It was a pleasure to come," said one of them. "And it better be worth it, because Xazkrono whined the whole way. Oh, yes, now I see this will be worth it. Very powerful users, with enchantments on top of that... this should be an amazing feast of XP."

"Uh, was this heinie-head talking about us?" Tim's (he's a guy who goes extreme with TNT in PvP) voice sliced through our heads.

"Yes," said Mark. "PICKAXES NOW!!!"

We understood the signal and pulled out our emerald pickaxes. (Sorry I forgot to mention that a while back.) With one swing of our pickaxes, the obsidian under us disappeared.

Then we fell.

Probably a hundred blocks.

                                                                  The End???


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