Minecraft Stories #38: The Dimensional Run, Part 6

I fell and pulled out some things I hoped could help us. I tossed them to the 9 Deadly Dudes and put on my own.

"What the..." Mark started to say.


Then we rocketed up and I pulled out a linking book.

Then we landed in the Overworld. In a crater. The crater that was my house. We shot out and jetted toward my fort.

When we hit the floor of my base, I hit a button and part of a cobblestone wall disappeared and revealed a tunnel of obsidian. I motioned for the 9 Deadly Dudes to follow me. We raced through and climbed up a ladder...

Then I showed them a room that took me 3 months to assemble.

Their mouths dropped open as they viewed nine suits of fully enchanted diamond suits, an empty armor stand for my own armor, and four picture frames holding enchanted swords and bows.

There was also a brewing stand, complete with a Nether Wart garden, an infinite water supply, and a chest full of potion ingredients.

Don't forget the enchantment table and the chest of lapis lazuli.

Oh, did I mention the crafting tables, furnaces, Ender chests, and the End Portal that I had built after a day of harvesting End Stone and other supplies from the End.

In other words, this was gonna be a piece of cake, taking buttfaces Zarkrendos, Xazkrono, and Komenderes down.

                                                           The End???


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